Spread the Word!
Information about ads on our listserve:
We accept ads for jobs, office space for rent and non NASW workshops and seminars. All ads will be reviewed before posting.
Ads run one time (you may select to run your ad more than once, but there is a cost each time) as an email to our listserve.
You may list multiple positions in a JOBS ad.
Ad cost is $ 65.00 for plain text ads OR $75 for one page pdf flier type and graphics
Please submit ads to bsteward.naswme@socialworkers.org
Make sure to place reply information in your advertisement.
Both advertisers and job seekers have had outstanding results. This is an inexpensive way to match you up with potential employers and employees statewide.
Full Page - $ 210.00
7” x 10” portrait oriented
Half page - $ 135.00
7” x 4.5” landscape oriented
Please Note: Ads should be emailed to bsteward.naswme@socialworkers.org. If any questions on format, etc. contact Barbara at 207.622.7592 or send an email.
Newsletters are published six times a year. January, March, May, July, September and November.